North Yorkshire Council




17 October 2023


Area Constituency Committee Feedback Report


Report of the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services and

Monitoring Officer











To bring to the attention of the Executive key issues considered at recent meetings of the Area Constituency Committees (ACC).  Specific recommendations to the Executive were made as follows:


·         Harrogate and Knaresborough ACC (14 September 2023) regarding the installation of EV charging points in Knaresborough, as at paras 3.5 and 3.6 below.





2.1       The Rt Hon Julian Smith MP provided an overview of some of the key issues arising in Westminster and through his constituency work and responded to questions regarding: Reinforce Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in North Yorkshire; the deadlines of the Airedale Hospital rebuild; rural communities collecting renewable energy; and Yorkshire Water becoming a statutory consultee on planning applications (following the meeting, a note was sent to the Rt Hon Julian Smith MP on this).


2.2       Skipton Youth Council provided an overview of their work and Members were keen to keep them, and other Youth Councils within the area, involved.


2.3       The Head of Corporate Affairs at Yorkshire Water provided an overview of Yorkshire Water’s role and future investment plans in the area. As above, Members and Tim Myatt felt that Yorkshire Water should be a statutory consultee on planning applications. Data on the number of sewerage spillages in the area will be circulated after the meeting. Members were keen that residents did not pay for the investment through their bills and for Yorkshire Water to have a closer relationship with residents, providing clear answers and responding to feedback.


2.4       The Independent Domestic Abuse Service gave a presentation and asked Members to assist with creating links to schools and local organisations.


2.5       Councillors received a brief update on the Ripon Community Network.  Members were keen to have a close relationship with the Council’s Economic Development Officers in the future and asked that Northern Power Grid attend their December meeting.




3.1       The Committee received two reports from the Area Manager - Highways and Transportation.  The first detailing the findings and proposed actions following the review of a petition for ‘A maximum speed of 20mph on roads in South and West Harrogate to improve road safety’. The Committee provided feedback about compliance, camera installation, enforcement and scope of the work.  The second report sought views on the proposed measures as part of the Otley Road Sustainable Transport Measures for West of Harrogate. In response to a number of related public submissions, the Committee provided feedback about congestion implications, crossing installation and the cycleway at Cardale Park.


3.2       In response to a Transport Planning update on the progress of the Oatlands feasibility study, the Harrogate Transport Improvements Programme and the Killinghall bypass Members requested a Quarterly report detailing progress on delivery and any delays.


3.3       Updates from the Committee Working Groups was received, and an overview of the Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy was added to the Committee’s work programme.


3.4       Finally, the Committee considered a petition about EV Charging points installation in Knaresborough which stated they were causing significant negative impact on traders in the town centre, to the attractiveness to visitors and potentially to the environment through increased congestion associated with the choice of Chapel Street as a location for 10 charging points.  In response, the Committee gave its support to EV charging to reduce pollution in the town but acknowledged EV charging point installation has been poorly implemented in Knaresborough due to inadequate engagement and communication with local residents, business and local councillors.


3.5       The ACC therefore agreed with the 9 requests from the presenter of the petition (as listed in recommendation (i) below), and agreed to make the following recommendations:


i.      We call on the Executive to:

1)    Seek to renegotiate the contract for the Chapel Street chargers and consider a phased approach to the 10 active EV Chapel Street town centre spaces, e.g. monitor usage and have some as mixed use during the day (8aem-6pm) until the demand for EV charging points increases. Current figures show the EV only spaces are underused by 80%. The spaces could still be used for resident charging overnight between 6pm and 8am. A 14-hour available charging period is much more realistic than the 4hr day time limit, which only allows for an added range of 28 miles.

 2)   Actively engage with the third party with whom NYC has the EV contract for Knaresborough to see if a compromise can be reached, as outlined above, especially given that the town was a pilot location.

3)    Provide clarity on whether electric vehicles are permitted to park in EV only spaces, even if they are not charging.

4)    Improve the signage around EV parking and the Car Club scheme in Knaresborough and raise awareness about the latter.

5)    Monitor the air quality in and around Chapel Street as a consequence of the additional congestion and pollution.

6)    Urgently to introduce a park and ride scheme that links the York Place long stay car park (suffering from poor pedestrian access to the Town Centre) to compensate for the loss of Town Centre parking and consider extending this to Conyngham Hall.

7)    Remove the parking restrictions in the Conyngham Hall tourist car park and make the 14 inactive EV only spaces available to all until a hook up date is fixed.

8)    Monitor usage of the 14 EV Conyngham Hall spaces once these are activated and ensure that supply and demand are proportional for current needs.

9)    Improve all signage for car parking on each entry point to the town including real time information about availability of places.


3.6       In addition, the ACC recommends that:

ii.     A full review of all parking in Knaresborough be undertaken within the next 6 months to ensure spaces, pricing and locations are in line with the needs of the town for both residents and visitors.

iii.    NYC develop a strategy for EV charging, including on street charging, rather than relying on piecemeal funding and projects that run the risk of poor implementation, undertaking appropriate engagement to ensure local resident buy-in.


4.0       RICHMOND (YORKS) ACC – 16 SEPTEMBER 2023


4.1       There were three statements and/or questions put before the committee by members of the             public/representatives from Town Councils within the constituency area:

·           Northallerton Town Council asked for details of the formal opening date of the North Northallerton Sports Village and reassurance that the hedge bordering the facility will be subject to a formal management plan. A response was provided on behalf of the Council’s Leisure team.

·           A further question was received by Northallerton Town Council requesting that plans for the new Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) facility on the former Northallerton college site be shared with them. A response was provided on behalf of the Council’s Education team

·           Richmond Town Council raised concerns about the continuation of the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) covering The Fosse in Richmond and the parking issues encountered during nice weather. A response was provided on behalf of the Council’s Community Safety team and Parking Services


4.2       A Member of the Youth Parliament for the Central Area of North Yorkshire was in attendance at the meeting and provided an overview of the work they had been doing in relation to the improvement of free school meals for those that need it the most. They also raised the issue of youth representation and the hope that it would be possible to create a youth council in the area like the newly created Selby Youth Council.


4.3       An update was provided on the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in the former Hambleton district following notification that the appointed installer had filed for insolvency having not fully completed the installations at the Showfield Car Park in Stokesley, the Galtres Centre in Easingwold and High Green in Great Ayton. The completion of the work in these car parks will now form part of the wider Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure rollout across North Yorkshire. As the underground infrastructure is in place it is hoped that these works can be completed in the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year. Members requested that the assigned EV spaces be made available for general parking until the works can recommence as parking, particularly in the Great Ayton car park is very limited. They raised concerns about the grid capacity for the chargers and the impact of any delays on the associated costs of the project.


4.4       Following concerns raised at the meeting in June, Members were provided with details of the parking charges across the constituency area which showed that charges were consistently applied across the car parks in the former Richmondshire area but varied from car park to car park across the former Hambleton area.


4.5       At the local division members request, an item had been placed on the agenda regarding the number of developments proposed at Scotch Corner and their potential impact. A public statement was received in relation to this item requesting a strategic assessment be carried out on the impact of all the current applications. Concerns were raised about the responses received from Highways England to planning consultations due to the key nature of the junction and the impact it has on local residents. Members were advised that a strategic review forms part of the Local Plan process, through which there will be a number of consultation opportunities. Until a new Local Plan is in place each application will be determined using the current Richmondshire Local Plan. Planning policy is clear that applications are considered on their own merits and without undue delay.


4.6       Finally, the Committee reviewed the work programme and added an update on the position at Scotch Corner for September/November 2024.  




5.1       The Committee appointed Councillor Kirsty Poskitt as Vice-Chair following the resignation of Councillor John Cattanach from the position.


5.2       The new Constituency MP, Keir Mather was introduced to the Committee, and it was agreed he would be invited to two meetings per year to provide an in-person update on Constituency issues.  The Committee also agreed to discuss the impact of Parliamentary boundary changes on the ACC at a subsequent meeting.


5.3       Updates were provided on bus services, train services and the development of the Local Transport Plan. Members agreed to refer the development of rail services in the Selby area, through West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Services, to the relevant Executive Member, to ensure there was joint planning on this issue.


5.4      An update was provided in respect of the recent decision to implement a charge for the collection of garden waste in the Selby area. It was noted that collection figures were good following the introduction of the charge and the Selby area had the highest subscription rate for this service in North Yorkshire. Clarification was provided in relation to charges for people with disabilities and the implementation of the charge as it was introduced after the start of the financial year.


5.5       Members agreed to arrange an informal meeting of committee members to allow parents and schooling providers to outline their concerns regarding the delays in providing a new SEND School provision in the Selby area.


5.6      Finally, Members added the development of the Local Plan, Planning Policy engagement, water quality and air quality to their work programme. They also agreed to hold additional virtual meetings to discuss traffic enforcement, including the policy on fixed speed cameras and the Council’s budget.




6.1       The Rt Hon Sir Robert Goodwill MP attended to provide an overview of some key local issues. including concerns regarding the amalgamation of Eskdale School and Caedmon College; the risks posed to Scalby School in regard to reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete; and offered insights into the difficulties rural bus operators are having in delivering services.


6.2       Members in turn raised questions relating to trail hunting; progress associated with the proposed registration scheme and planning controls for short term holiday lets; growing demand for on-street resident parking following the growth in short term holiday lets; proposals to allow development rights in national parks; and councillor representation on national park bodies.


6.3       A bi-annual report from the Stronger Communities team updated the committee on various programmes designed to fund and support community based initiatives to help those in need. Members praised the ongoing work and positive contributions as detailed within the report.


6.4       Finally, the Committee accepted proposals to meet with Yorkshire Water at its December meeting as part of its continuing role in monitoring the issues regarding water pollution, and for an initial private briefing with the NHS Trust to discuss matters relating to its performance and progress with addressing the latest CQC report.




7.1       The Committee received a number of public questions regarding the granting of CLEUDs to a local business and the apparent lack of action by the local Planning Department to investigate breaches and enforcement action against a local business operator.


7.2       The Rt Hon Kevin Hollinrake MP provided an overview of his involvement in and commented on issues such as local business opportunities and challenges, the local economy and links to his work as a Minister. He then responded to questions on a range of subjects including access to Post Office services, dualling of the A64, staffing and training challenges in the social care sector and the net zero commitment.


7.3       Members discussed the key findings from the Let’s Talk Climate survey and made a number of comments and suggestions that the Council could introduce to encourage and support the community to take action.


7.4       Finally, the Committee made three appointments to the Vale of Pickering Internal Drainage Board, and requested reports on ‘Planning and the role of the ACC’, ‘The Policy of Member involvement in Public Questions and Statements’ and ‘The impacts of HGVs and speeding in villages’ be brought to a future meeting of the Committee




8.1       At all of the above listed meetings with the exception of the Richmond (Yorks) ACC meeting, Members received an update on Community Resilience from the Head of Resilience and Emergencies.  This detailed the responsibilities of various partners and stakeholders in the constituency area, the department’s plans to create links between Officers, Members and residents, and highlighted the importance of Parish Councils having emergency plans. It was agreed that updates would be provided annually.  In the case of the Selby and Ainsty ACC meeting, technical difficulties meant that the item could not be heard in full and so Members were encouraged to provide any questions they had on the issue directly to the Officer.




9.1       The financial and legal implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Constituency Committees in September 2023.




10.1     The climate change implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Constituency Committees in September 2023.




11.1     The equalities implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Constituency Committees in September 2023.




12.1     The recommendations to the Executive have been made by the Area Constituency Committees as part of their consideration of local issues at their September 2023 round of committee meetings.




13.1     That the Executive:

i.      Notes the report and considers any matters arising from the work of the Area Constituency Committees detailed above, that merit further scrutiny, review or investigation at a county-level.

ii.     Considers the specific recommendations made by the Harrogate and Knaresborough ACC at their meeting on 14 September 2023 as listed in paragraphs 3.5 & 3.6 above.



Barry Khan

Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)

County Hall



Report Author:

Melanie Carr, Principal Democratic Services & Scrutiny Officer


Background Documents:

Agenda, papers and minutes of the 6 Area Constituency Committee meetings in September 2023, which can be accessed via the following link -


Note: Members are invited to contact the author in advance of the meeting with any detailed queries or questions.